Tag Archives: Independent Scientologists

Ding-Ding-Ding! Marty is a Lunatic

Mark “Marty” Rathbun is a lunatic to end all lunatics.

And anyone who associates with this nut is a lunatic too.

I had a copy of RJ 38 that I have excerpted. I hope the Church doesn’t mind. I am sick of this madman and his rambling.

Mike Rinder told the truth once, probably the one time in his life he did, when Marty beat the crap out of him—“Rathbun belongs in a mental institution. In fact, he belongs in an electric chair full on. Rathbun is a psychopath. He’s a real nut case. He’s a mental case on the loose.”

Ding-ding-ding, here comes the wagon.


Marty Rathbun: “I Ruined I Don’t Know How Many Cases”

This posting contains some of the most disgusting, gross out-tech and squirreling you can imagine.  It will stand your hair on end. Mark Rathbun got away with it for a a time because he refused to turn in his “ethics interviews” and “auditing sessions” on numerous individuals and blatantly intimidated and denigrated any Case Supervisor or Cramming Officer who caught wind of what he might be up to. He also instigated, through false reports, the removal of those who suspected his out-tech.

Here it is:

  • Rathbun told a preclear to put the cans down and then in rage grabbed the person by the shirt, dragged him out of his chair and then slammed him up against a wall, demanding that the person start confessing.
  • Rathbun took a “break” from having a person on the meter and took him outside, where he slapped the person across the head because “he wasn’t cooperating” and wanted “to soften him up,” to quote Rathbun.
  • Rathbun walked into an interview being done by another interviewer and threw the interviewee up against the wall and demanded that they start confessing. When the person went in a shock and could not talk, Rathbun grabbed the person by the throat and demanded that they “confess!” When the person who was doing the interview stood up to stop Rathbun, he screamed at her, backing her up against a wall. When the interviewer wrote a report, Rathbun got a hold of it, tore it up in front of her face and then proceeded to cave her in.
  • Rathbun screamed at someone he had on the meter, demanding “Cough up your crimes,” and screamed, “You had better start talking or you are for it,” and then yelled loudly while demanding “What is the withhold?” for about 5 minutes!
  • Rathbun actually took a person he was doing an “ethics interview” with and pushed him out of their chair and up against a wall and screamed at him to confess to some crime that he “knew” the person committed.
  • Probably one of the most unbelievable technical high crimes is when Rathbun stormed into a co-audit session and grabbed the PC by the shirt, dragged him out of the chair, across the auditing table and then across two other tables, knocking over anything and everything. He didn’t stop there. He threw the person up against the wall, started screaming “Start talking, motherfucker” and then shoved the person against a wall and finally threw him through two doors and down a flight of stairs.
  • Rathbun physically punched a person in the eye because the person was not confessing to something that Rathbun wanted him to confess to.

Rathbun has admitted:

“I ruined I don’t know how many cases. Probably dozens and dozens. I also did these all with no C/Ses (I just did it).”  Marty Rathbun

LRH says:

“Here is the guy who plans to ‘squirrel’ and ‘grab Scientology.’ Here is the boy.  Or here is the girl.  But here is also a thetan buried in the mud.  And if you let this person go without attention, he or she will soon become ill or die—or worse will mess up or kill others.  The person is the only real psycho.  And if you let him drift he’ll soon wind up in the brain surgeon’s suppressive hands.  So it’s nothing to overlook.  People who have to solve their problems by shooting the rest of us down are what made life such a hell in this universe. You have your hands on the implanter, the warmonger, the wrecker.” LRH. HCO PL 5  Apr 65, THE NO-GAIN-CASE STUDENT